Thursday, April 19, 2018

Properietary Lightweight and extensible IOT stack (Hardware, Middleware and Software) solution.

Ideas Unlimited has till date worked on several IOT designs and products for third parties and customers. We cannot reveal every single IOT product/project we worked on due to NDAs and Agreements with customers. We have worked on close to five IOT related technologies/products till now.

Proprietary end to end IOT Stack to support iBotics platform of Sensital

Proprietary IOT Hardware/Software (Full stack) developed by Ideas Unlimited for Sensital.
However, this particular development we did for a Customer Sensital ( - External Link) was interesting!  (And details reproduced here with due permission from our customer).

This framework prototypes supported WiFi as ZIgbee based IOT Nodes! Further, it could be modified to use a GSM Module as well if required for really remote applications where setting up WiFi or Zigbee networks is not feasible! 
A Zigbee to Wifi bridge device to interface the Zigbee Controller - and nodes attached to it to Internet
This framework was developed for the Australian company SENSITAL ( to complement their iBOTics platform. This Framework we developed is a proprietary IOT framework developed from the scratch using open source Atmel ARM 32 bit controller based hardware (ATSAM3X8E on top of Arduino Due) and our own proprietary software stack mostly using open source software and TCP/IP. The later versions will have only the ATSAM3X8E 32-Bit Arm controller with its own PCB for hardware and extension headers to interface to sensors and systems.

For more details about this IOT Framework we developed, visit our website page...

To know more about this tech, you can contact:

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